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A love story like no other...
Koffee Jones-Davis comes from money—long money—generational wealth. With that comes expectations. Or more like guidelines that she must follow. And she plans to. Until she meets a man named Jireh. Koffee knows her family will never approve of him, but she can’t deny him.
The events that follow their unorthodox meeting can only be described with one word…spiritual.
Do you believe that souls can travel from life to life together? That a love can be so pure and profound, a bond so deep and impenetrable that not even death can separate it?
Well, let me tell you a story…
The Beginning To So Much More...

We were born at the same time, on the same day, in the same hospital, different rooms of course. He was named Seven; I was named Eleven; all coincidence. We were best-friends as kids—practically glued to one another. But then something happened within our parents’ friendship. Something that caused their relationship to end. Our friendship was collateral damage in that something.
That was seven years ago. We were children. We’re adults now…